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National Indian Head Start Directors Association
Standing Strong for American Indian and Alaska Native Children
From language & reading to math & science,
these 18 kits—for infants–5th grade—are packed with
hands-on materials to support distance learning.
Designed with families in mind, these kits were specifically grouped to hit a variety of skills/standards per age level. All kits are developmentally appropriate and should help families continue learning for weeks while at home. These will be fantastic resources for summer engagement and continued learning, and even at-home learning if needed as school starts back up in the fall and beyond. There are two kits per age level. Lakeshore would recommend purchasing kit A first and then follow up with kit B for all levels kinder through fifth grade.
Developed in partnership with the National Indian Child Care Association, Lakeshore created content-rich activity guides for each kit—for even more at-home learning!
Just click here to sign in. Then look for the red Shop NIHSDA Kits link on the home page.
Username: NIHSDA Password: lakeshore
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