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Sowing Seeds of Love in the Hearts of Children

NIHSDA Management Training Conference - Sacramento, CA     June 15-18, 2015
TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015

10:30 a.m.

Region-Wide Demographic Analysis of Indian Country (Vincent Rinehart)


Building a Solid Educational Foundation through Parent Involvement (Mitch Factor)


7 Secrets of a Successful Early Childhood Program (Lillian Hubler )


Perspectives from the Field:  The Implementation of GOLDplus and The Creative Curriculum for Preschool at Navajo Nation (Breeyn Mack, Sharon Singer)


Tribal Child Care: Creating and sustaining successful partnerships (Kim Nall, Dion Wood)


Family Engagement Outcomes and CLASS tracking with ChildPlus (Jose Martinez)


1:30 p.m.

The ‘A.R.T.S’ –Accessing the Reflective and Transformative Spirit: Intentionality and Improvisation; Meaningful Design Responsive to the Spontaneous Activity of the Young Child (John Holanda, Maria Teresa Ruiz)


Shaping the Future - Fostering Children’s Resilience Against Stereotypes and Bias (Meg Thomas)


Signing and the Next Level Parent (Lillian Hubler)


Taking Care of Ourselves: Staff Wellness (Laura Brooke)


ERSEA – What’s new and what to do! (Robert Pfeffer)


Using Responsive Teaching and Caregiving to Support Language Development in Infants, Toddlers, and Twos (Breeyn Mack)


3:30 p.m.

Creating a Goal Orientated T/TA Plan (Char Schank)


Managing Successful Governance Meetings (Melvin Gravely)


Moccasins and Cradle Boards for Babies: Linking AIAN Culture with EHS Expectant Families support (Jennifer Olson)



8:30 a.m.

Putting the Pieces Together: Program Goals, School Readiness, and Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (Guylaine Richard)


GROWING TEACHERS: Individualizing professional development to increase CLASS-related teaching practices (Sherri Drake, Jennifer Olson)


SEAL Signing – Social, Emotional Academic Learning - Using American Sign Language (ASL) to Enhance Social and Emotional Learning; and Improve Classroom Management (Teacher Secrets For The Quietist Classroom in the School) (Lillian Hubler)


Creating a Culture of Safety in Your Program (Nancy Topping-Tailby)


It’s A New Day – The Five Year Head Start Grant (Robert Pfeffer)


Fiscal Management: From Budget to Match (Geoffrey Lowry)


Individualizing Care Plans for Infants and Toddlers (Donna Britt, Marie Natrall)


10:30 a.m.

Five Easy Steps to Community Assessment and Planning (Betsy McDougall)


Achieve Your Program Goals through Team Building (Melvin Gravely)


1:30 p.m.

Staff and Supervisors Working with Families: Teaming Together on Goal-Setting (Guylaine Richard)


Data Tells A Story: Hear the Voices from the Field (Jarma Wrighten)


Making Every Moment Matter for Every Child – Improving Instructional Interactions (Vanessa Maanao-French, Sheila Sellers)


Managing Staff Having Difficulty (Paul Figueroa)


Have Fun while Forming Relationships! Communication and Teambuilding Skills for Healthy Programs (Zoe Sameth)


Sowing & Growing Community Health: Love From the Ground Up! (Rose Hamilton)


Head Start Program Governance: Roles and Responsibilities (Gil Gonzales)


3:30 p.m.

Breathe Easy: Reduce Stress, Raise Relaxation and Enjoy Work/Life More!  Self-Care for ECE Leaders and Managers (Zoe Sameth)



8:00 a.m.

Engaging and Partnering with Fathers (Guylaine Richard)


Knowledge, Network and Resource Café (Jarma Wrighten)


Developing the Way Forward: How Effective Program Planning Can Help You Achieve Your Goals (Kathy Wilson)


“Pin It”: An Introduction to Free online resources to support Assessment, Standards, Curriculum and Teacher Training (Heidi Mendenhall, Melinda Brookshire)


Let’s do this TOGETHER! Improving Instructional Interactions through Group Coaching (Vanessa Maanoa-French, Sheila Sellers)


CHILD ASSESSMENT:  Strategies for capturing children’s progress toward reaching School Readiness Goals (Jennifer Olson, Sherri Drake)


The Foundations of School Readiness for Infants and Toddlers (Donna Britt, Marie Natrall)


10:30 a.m.

Head Start/Child Care - We CAN play in the same sandbox (Linda Kills Crow, Eva Carter)


1:30 p.m.

How Telling Your Story Makes You a Powerful Advocate (Willeen Whipple)


The Language of Leadership – Enhancing Your Leadership Potential (Paul Figueroa)


Tribal Languages in EHS/HS Classroom (Joanne Knapp Philo, Debra Shuey, Ruth Rouvier)


Grant Writing: Unlocking the Mystery (Jennifer Olson)


Building Scientific Inquiry in the Preschool Classroom (Heidi Mendenhall, Melinda Brookshire)


COACHING AND MENTORING: How and where to begin utilizing available resources (Sherri Drake, Janet Humphryes)


Getting the Most Out of the 90-Minute Home Visit! (Donna Britt, Marie Natrall)


3:30 p.m.

How to use the Designation Renewal System (DRS) to Make Lasting Improvements to Your Head Start Program (Bill Rosenberg, Karen Burstein, Pascua Yaqui HS Staff)


Taking Care of YOU: Strategies for early childhood caregivers to replenish and take care of themselves (Linda Kills Crow, Eva Carter)

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