National Indian Head Start Directors Association
Standing Strong for American Indian and Alaska Native Children
Preserving Indigenous Learning
NIHSDA Management Training Conference - Denver, Co June 5-8, 2017
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Implementing and Monitoring Active Supervision
Teach, Assess, Adjust!
Staff Retention and Turnover
Trauma, Toxic Stress, and Resilience
Empowering the Child’s Forever Teachers: Goal setting with families
E in STEM: Demystifying Engineering
Indigenizing Education: Deconstructing Curriculum and Pedagogy
Approaches to the New Community Assessment Requirements
5 Year Grant a Clear and Present Future
Leadership and Professionalism in Early Childhood Education -Supporting and Sustaining Change
Making the Most of Your Mental Health Consultation
ERSEA - Five Letters Every Head Start Person Needs to Know
The House That Fell: Decolonizing Education and Rebuilding Culture
Implementing the Head Start Program Performance Standards: A Systems Approach
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Programs in Indian Country: Special Protections and Outreach and Enrollment Strategies
It’s More Than Counting Bears- Culture Counts!
Healthy Kids, Strong Communities: Increasing Local Food Access in Native Communities through Farm to ECE
Family Engagement and School Readiness: Strategies for Partnering with Families to Support Their Children’s Learning
Supporting American Indian Preschoolers' Oral Language Development for Kindergarten Readiness
Data Management- Maintaining, Using, and Securing Quality Data
Using the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) to Guide Effective Practice: Implementation Toolkit
Choosing and Implementing a Parenting Curriculum
Changes to the Nutrition HSPPS and CACFP Meal Patterns: Strategies for Early Childhood Programs
Bridging the Bridge Between Program and Fiscal
Fostering Meaningful Investigations Through Play & Provocation: Moving from Activity to Investigation
Proactive Planning to Support a Culture of Continuous Improvement
Taking Care of Ourselves: Reduce Your Stress
Coordinated Approaches
Don’t Just Sit There! Move It! Stretching and Movement Activities for Adults
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Jungle Gyms vs. The Jungle: Exploring and Honoring Our Mother Earth by Creating Appropriately Challenging Nature Based Environments
Pathways to Continuity in Language Revitalization
Nutrition Education: Strategies for the Classroom
Implementing Evidence-Based Practices to Support Inclusion: Resources and Strategies
Supporting Professional Development & Capacity Building Around Teacher-Child Interactions (CLASS)
Using the Management Systems Wheel to Develop an Ongoing Monitoring Matrix
Community Assessment: Process and Purpose
Working with LEAs and Defining MOUs
Responsive Practice and Family Engagement
Health and Wellness for Pregnant Women
Using a Scope and Sequence to Implement Responsive Curriculum
Native American Lessons on Nutrition and Strength